Responding to Enemies Inside and Outside the Church
Responding to Enemies Inside and Outside the Church
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In this episode, Russell Traweek answers the question, “How do we respond to enemies inside and outside the church?” This is part of a sermon series based on the book of Nehemiah from a Christian Reconstructionist perspective.

NDT Gives Away the House; We Rassle Over Service and Authority
NDT Gives Away the House; We Rassle Over Service and Authority
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In the first half of the program, Pastor Gordan Runyan and his wife, Joyce, discuss an article in The Scientific American, in which current icon of the unbelievers, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, jettisons whatever epistemological foundations his worldview ever thought of having. After the break, we have an excerpt from a recent sermon in which the pastor sought to bring the concept of servant-authority down to street level.

No Other Standard: Part Two
No Other Standard: Part Two
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No Other Standard: Part One
No Other Standard: Part One
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In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood preaches part one of a two-part series called, “No Other Standard.” This message serves as a foundation for understanding the supremacy and authority of Scripture in the life of the Christian. Thanks for listening!

Theonomy Questions and a Startling Atheist Admission
Theonomy Questions and a Startling Atheist Admission
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Pastor Gordan Runyan answers a handful of recent questions about theonomy and then spotlights a truly amazing admission made recently by science superstar Neil DeGrasse Tyson that illustrates the truth of Romans 1:22, “Professing to be wise, they became fools.”

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In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood preaches a message on dealing with presuppositions in the Christian faith. This was sermon number one in the ‘Politics & Religion’ series preached at Colwood Church in the fall of 2016. Thanks for listening!

How to Deal with Objections to Inerrancy
Written by Dr. Phillip Kayser
For centuries skeptics and unbelievers have denied the veracity of the Bible. Today there are many denominations and many people who call themselves Christians that take a similar view. They say the Bible contains truth, or it teaches truth, or portions of it are true. But they deny the veracity of miracles, the resurrection, Mosaic authorship, patriarchal lineages, etc. What is the orthodox Christian to do? Toss in the towel? Leave it to the experts? NO! Christians need to talk to the doubters and explain why the Bible is TRUE—every jot and tittle of it. Indeed, the Bible is not only “True”, it is “Truth” (John 17:17).

Sye Ten Bruggencate
Sye Ten Bruggencate
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Bill spends an hour with Sye Ten Bruggencate to talk about apologetics, street preaching, and being peacemakers between brothers.
How to Answer the Fool
Debating Dillahunty

Sola Fide – Responding to Modern Islam
Sola Fide – Responding to Modern Islam
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Do we serve the same god? How do we answer Islam? Should we fear Muslims?
Biblical Worldview Academy
2017 Reformation 500 Conference

Chapter 34: The Problem of Miracles
Chapter 34: The Problem of Miracles
Written by Dr. Greg Bahnsen