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If you own a business than you know all too well the discouragements that can come with it. There can be both legitimate and non-legitimate reasons for your discouragement. In this episode, Gary and Nathan talk about how to deal with discouragement in good and bad ways.

John Crawford Recap
John Crawford Recap
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This special 4th of July episode, Gary and Nathan recap episode #5. John Crawford joined reformingbiz podcast to discuss Covenantal fruitfulness. They discuss the result of Christian’s backing away from cultural involvement in the marketplace, and how when that happens someone will fill the void, as we have seen for nearly 150 years now with more and more gov’t overreach into the market place.

John Crawford
John Crawford
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In this episode we talk with John Crawford on the topic of covenantal fruitfulness, the decline in American culture because of national disobedience, and the current result of that disobedience. Hear a clip of John preaching at the God and Culture conference on this very subject.

David Goodman
David Goodman
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This week we had the privilege of talking to David Goodman, author and regular blogger at The Survival Gardner. David has become a prominent speaker on the subject of gardening, agriculture, nutrition and much more.
The Survival Gardner

Tim Yarbrough
Tim Yarbrough
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This week in Reforming Business Podcast we interview business owner Tim Yarbrough. Tim discusses the issues of apprenticeship. In fact we name this episode, “The Lost Art of Apprenticeship”. Get ready for a dose of reality and a bit of a gut punch.

Bojidar Marinov
Bojidar Marinov
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Gary and Nathan are joined with guest Bojidar Marinov. Bojidar is a prolific writer with articles ranging from economics to social political issues and the implication of God’s Word to all of life. We chat in this interview on the implication of the church neglecting to teach on business ownership and economics.

Why the Delays? A Timeline of the App Build
Written by Dustin Ranem

Why This Podcast?
Why This Podcast?
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Gary and Nathan introduce an overview of why this podcast exist. Announced under original name, “Business Matters” which had to be changed to “Reforming Business” due to copyright issues. We wrestle with audio quality. The overall discussion turns to why we need to reform the marketplace.