Colin Gunn: Give it Laldy for the Lord, Liberty and Life

Colin Gunn: Give it Laldy for the Lord, Liberty and Life

Posted on June 10, 2020

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Jason interviews award winning writer, director, and producer Colin Gunn. They discuss the impact that documentary films can have on the culture and the importance of documenting history properly through this medium. They talk about the indoctrination of government schools, national socialized medicine, and some Christian alternatives to practicing medicine, without being enslaved to health insurance and having to deal with government bureaucracy. They also discuss Scotland and Colin’s new mission to his homeland:


Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Posted on March 18, 2020

Written by Gary North

What Kind Of Army?

“An army which is told that it must suffer defeat, that any sign of victory is an illusion or else a lure into a subsequent defeat, that victory must be the Devil’s, will be a defeated army.”

Jan Prorok

Jan Prorok

Posted on January 10, 2020

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I started as a depressed kid and went downhill from there until I found myself at the very gutter of religious Satanism. But God was gracious to me and dragged me to the cross of His Son. And I went downhill from there again, this time into compromise and fornication. But God was gracious to me again and dragged me out of it. And I went downhill again, trying to be good enough to be saved. But God was gracious to me and has been dragging me ever since, closer and closer to His glorious truth and to greater faithfulness. I could be rightly awarded the Professional Against-the-Goads-Kicker Award, but my heavenly Father loves me faithfully, and therefore I am, by the grace of God, Kingdom-Driven.

The Meat of the Word with Martin Selbrede

Posted on October 1, 2019

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Martin G. Selbrede, vice-president of the Chalcedon Foundation, conducts regular Question and Answer sessions on topics of interest to Christians serious about their faith. These audio messages were recorded live, with Martin “working without a net” (as he characterizes it) as he responds to incoming questions. The resulting “messages” continue to cover an ever-widening range of topics, all with an eye to honoring the command to “let all things be done unto edification” (seasoned with the occasional humorous aside). These Q&A’s were modeled after R. J. Rushdoony’s post-sermon Q&A sessions, which allowed those in attendance to “pick Rush’s brain” for a brief season. For more information on the Chalcedon Foundation visit