
Paradise Restored: A Biblical Theology of Dominion

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Written by David Chilton

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Does the Bible teach Christians to expect victory or defeat in this world? In this powerful book, David Chilton sets forth extensive biblical evidence for the historic Christian view know as postmillennialism – the teaching that, before the Second Coming of Christ, the world will be successfully evangelized and discipled to Christianity. The author emphasized that our view of the future is inescapably bound up with our view of Jesus Christ. The fact that Jesus is now King of kings and Lord of lords means that His Gospel must be victorious: The Holy Spirit will bring the water of life to the ends of the earth. The Christian message is one of Hope: Pentecost was just the beginning.


The Problem of Evil: A Dialogue

Posted on August 31, 2020

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Narrated By: Nathan Conkey

Throughout human history various explanations for the existence of evil have been offered. Philosophers and theologians across the ages have struggled to explain it. This booklet shows that only the Bible can provide a clear and coherent answer to which we must not add or subtract.

Episode 5: The Biblical View of Abuse

Episode 5: The Biblical View of Abuse

Posted on July 21, 2020

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Does the Bible address the issue of abuse? Whether domestic, social, or ecclesiastical, there is physical, emotional, and even spiritual abuse at every level of society.

In this episode, Chalcedon scholar, Martin Selbrede, reveals the Biblical approach to dealing with abuse.

For several years, Martin has researched the subject extensively and is currently finalizing a massive study on abuse for Chalcedon’s new academic journal.

Although news and social media are currently replete with topics about the virus or social justice, the evil of abuse continues its growth undercover, and Christians must be alert to it in order to bring God’s justice to bear upon it.

Hosted by Martin Selbrede and Andrea Schwartz.

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