Chapter 10: Anticipation
Chapter 10: Anticipation
Written by Kenneth L Gentry

Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Written by David Chilton

War Room
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The War Room is a production of Reconstructionist Radio. Hosted by Bill Evans and Jason Sanchez, this is not your average Christian podcast. Here you’ll find interviews with seasoned, veteran kingdom-builders who have not only talked the talk but walked the walk in various areas of life. Learn about their ministries as we discuss and consider practical approaches to overcoming the myriad of obstacles confronting believers in Post America Christianity.

#7: The Sin of Abortion
#7: The Sin of Abortion
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The fallout from the recent Supreme Court leak regarding the future, albeit soon over-ruling of Roe V. Wade continues to rage on like an inferno as America is forced to deal with the sin of abortion—what do we make of this? The left is still melting down and protesting out front of the homes of SCOTUS justices; pro-lifers are vaingloriously taking credit; but we abolitionists have much more to say.
- Louisiana House Bill 813 is at the center of controversy because for the first time in history, a bill of total abolition of abortion has made it out of committee. We’ll talk more about this.
- Plus, last week the White House hosted their Correspondents’ Dinner and per usual the jokes were out in force. One of them, however, wasn’t so funny.
- And finally, while this isn’t a national news headline, it is important: Abolish Abortion Virginia is hosting a conference here in Fauquier County, Northern Virginia. And you should come.

PART 3: ETHICAL STIPULATIONS – The Seven Seals (Revelation 4-7)
PART 3: ETHICAL STIPULATIONS – The Seven Seals (Revelation 4-7)
Written by David Chilton

Chapter 9: The Rejection of Israel
Chapter 9: The Rejection of Israel
Written by David Chilton

5: Covenant Theology, Errors of Dispensationalism, and the Binding of Satan
5: Covenant Theology, Errors of Dispensationalism, and the Binding of Satan
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Episode 5 is upon us, and we are excited to share it with you! Our team had some great things to say about Covenant Theology, the Errors of Dispensationalism, and the Binding of Satan (Colin takes Warfield’s view on this, and gave us a lot to think about).
Here’s what we talked about this week:
- Covenant Theology 101
- The Errors of Dispensationalism (#DatDispy)
- The Binding of Satan
- Referenced links and reco’s
- The Christ of the Covenants– O. Palmer Robertson
- Charles Hodge’s Systematic Theology specifically the section on the Covenant of Redemption)
- A. Hodge’sCommentary on the Westminster Confession
- Ligon Duncan’s (FREE) courses onCovenant Theology in iTunes U
- Journal of Christian Reconstruction vol. 15: Symposium on Eschatology– Chapter titled “Reconstructing Postmillennialism“
- Loraine Boettner’s 1984 revision of his bookThe Millennium
- Charles Spurgeon’s sermon “Satan Among the Saints“
- Mark Dever’s “Nine Marks of a Healthy Church“
- Gary Demar’s “Last Days Madness“
”The covenant was made with Adam first, therefore Adam is ultimately at fault.” -Colin

PART 3: EXPOSITION – Chapter 9: Creation
PART 3: EXPOSITION – Chapter 9: Creation
Written by Kenneth L Gentry

No Neutrality
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Reconstructionist Radio Podcast Network presents a new episode every Saturday of “No Neutrality” where we have a roundtable of contributors pushing the antithesis in every area of life. From apologetics, to government, to homeschooling, to being a wife/mother, husband/father, single, widow, employer, employee. You will hear commentary, essays, lectures, and practical steps on how to bring forth the Christian worldview to all of life. This is a production of Reconstructionist Radio.