#6: The Problem of Free Speech
#6: The Problem of Free Speech
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Free Speech: what is it and why is it free? With Elon Musk’s $44 Billion purchase of Twitter, the question of what constitutes free speech is now a national conversation. Or at the very least, it’s a national yelling match. But how does Scripture view the relationship between freedom and speech?
- The Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stated last week that DHS is creating a “Disinformation Governance Board” to combat misinformation head of the 2022 midterms. Is this a good idea or a bad idea?
- Plus, a new study from Great Britain discovered microplastic particles in the lung tissue of 11 out of 13 patients who were undergoing surgery. Are we ready to have a frank discussion about the dangers of prolonged mask-wearing, yet?
- And, a leaker at the U.S. Supreme Court has informed us that SCOTUS has the majority vote to overturn Roe V. Wade. Pro-lifers are exuberant, leftists like Senator Elizabeth Warren are losing their minds. We’ll discuss.

Chapter 3: The Dominion Mandate
Chapter 3: The Dominion Mandate
Written by David Chilton

PART 3: THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM – Chapter 8: The Coming of the Kingdom
PART 3: THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM – Chapter 8: The Coming of the Kingdom
Written by David Chilton

Minisode #4: Resurrection and the New Week
Minisode #4: Resurrection and the New Week
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The resurrection of Christ was the creation of a new world. As the second Adam, Jesus has established the Kingdom of God through his victory over death and the world being ruled over by sin.

Chapter 8: The Hermeneutic of Scripture
Chapter 8: The Hermeneutic of Scripture
Written by Kenneth L Gentry

Tyrants Are Not Ministers of God (Interview with Robert E. Fugate)
Tyrants Are Not Ministers of God (Interview with Robert E. Fugate)
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Join us for a special episode with our host, Pastor Jason Garwood, as he interviews Dr. Robert Fugate regarding his book Tyrants Are Not Ministers of God: What the Bible Teaches about Civil Disobedience, Romans 13, and Quarantine.

Chapter 2: The Spirit Speaks to the Church: Overcome!
Chapter 2: The Spirit Speaks to the Church: Overcome!
Written by David Chilton

Chapter 7: The Fiery Cloud
Chapter 7: The Fiery Cloud
Written by David Chilton

The Law: A City on a Hill – Sermon by John Howell
The Law: A City on a Hill – Sermon by John Howell
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Text: Matthew 5:13-20 – “I have not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets…but to fulfill the Law.”
In this Sermon, John Howell exegeted Matthew 5: 13-20 and applied it to our current state of society. There is a KING and he has called us to uphold his good law so others may find him. The Gospel is a call to arms.