9: Jeff Durbin On Embers of a Dying Fire
9: Jeff Durbin On Embers of a Dying Fire
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eff Durbin karate-chopped and ninja-turtled his way onto this week’s episode, and it was fantastic! We talked about Apologia Church, Apologia Radio, and Apologia Studios and what God is doing with those ministries. Jeff explained to us what’s new and what we can expect to see/hear from them in the near future. We also talked about how Jeff is not actually a ninja (though he vigorously defended it) and other obviously very important things. Then we talked about what a biblical worldview is and how/why Postmillennilaism and Theonomy are important to a comprehensive biblical worldview. We also talked briefly about how to disagree in a loving fashion, and how to leave others with no excuse to stumble over our behavior. We hope you enjoy!
Here are some recommended links from our conversation:
Episode 9s Tweet This moment:

Rapture “Proofs” Debunked
Rapture “Proofs” Debunked
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In this episode, Pastor Gordan Runyan tackles a series of commonly used Rapture proof texts and shows that they don’t support that innovative doctrine at all. This was recorded at a Sunday evening Bible study at his church in New Mexico. If you believe in the Dispensational, Premillennial Rapture doctrine, you’re going to have to find different texts from now on.

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This week Jason reflects on the Abolish Abortion Virginia conference, the larger political and social landscape in Virginia, and the Virginia Center for Public Theology.

Chapter 6: In the Path of the White Horse
Chapter 6: In the Path of the White Horse
Written by David Chilton

Chapter 12: The Rise of Antichrist
Chapter 12: The Rise of Antichrist
Written by David Chilton

8: Joel McDurmon’s Restoring America and Pulpit & State
8: Joel McDurmon’s Restoring America and Pulpit & State
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It was another beautiful day in the Lord’s kingdom, and I was going for a stroll on the beach. After not too long I got the feeling I was being followed. So I looked back, and much to my surprise there were two sets of footprints in the sand. When I looked to my right, I noticed Joel McDurmon walking next to me. I was all, “Hey Joel! What’s up?” And he was all, “Hey man, what do I have to do to get on your podcast?” And that’s how this episode got it’s start. We’re really excited for you to hear what Joel has to say! We talked about his great book “Restoring America: One County at a Time” and his latest (edited) “The New England Pulpit and the American Revolution.”
We also announced the winner of the Restoring America giveaway.
For those early listeners, be sure to participate in this week’s extra contest! Listen to the episode for details!
Here are some recommended links from our conversation:
Episode 8’s Tweet This moment:

Publisher’s Epilogue
Publisher’s Epilogue
Written by David Chilton

Victory In Jesus: The Bright Hope of Postmillennialism
Written by Greg Bahnsen
We have just ended a century dominated by a multitude of failed prophecies from those who looked to be raptured out of a collapsing world at any moment. The dawning of a new millennium will hopefully cause the Church to pause and consider whether these discredited prophets should be hooted off the stage. Victory in Jesus: The Bright Hope of Postmillennialism offers a sober and faithful examination of Scripture while clearly demonstrating that Christians have every reason to expect the victory of Jesus and the triumph of the gospel as the Great Commission is fulfilled on earth.
The first three chapters (edited from lectures delivered by Dr. Bahnsen), offer a simple and easy to understand presentation of eschatology in general and especially postmillennial eschatology. These chapters are foundational and provide an excellent start for the person who wants a survey of the topic without too much technical or theological language. The last two chapters build on this foundation and layout a more advanced and in-depth explanation of the postmillennial position.
Please consider purchasing Victory In Jesus: The Bright Hope of Postmillennialism via CMFnow.com

The Meat of the Word with Martin Selbrede
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Martin G. Selbrede, vice-president of the Chalcedon Foundation, conducts regular Question and Answer sessions on topics of interest to Christians serious about their faith. These audio messages were recorded live, with Martin “working without a net” (as he characterizes it) as he responds to incoming questions. The resulting “messages” continue to cover an ever-widening range of topics, all with an eye to honoring the command to “let all things be done unto edification” (seasoned with the occasional humorous aside). These Q&A’s were modeled after R. J. Rushdoony’s post-sermon Q&A sessions, which allowed those in attendance to “pick Rush’s brain” for a brief season. For more information on the Chalcedon Foundation visit http://chalcedon.edu

Smashmouth Immediatism & The Problem of Incrementalism
Smashmouth Immediatism & The Problem of Incrementalism
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Join us for a special episode featuring our host, Jason Garwood, and his talk from the Abolish Abortion Virginia Conference 2022.