The Industrial Revolution and the Christian Family

The Industrial Revolution and the Christian Family

Posted on February 7, 2017

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What changes did the Industrial Revolution bring to the Christian family? Did it weaken it or did it strengthen it? Did it help the Christian family fulfill its purpose in the Kingdom of God, or did it set it off its course in a direction which would eventually render it meaningless? Did it open up new horizons and new areas for growth and exploration, or did it shut the door to the future, laying the foundation for replacing the Christian family with something else? Was the Industrial Revolution a friend or a foe to the Christian family?

Assigned Reading:
Relationship vs. Purpose: How the Church Destroys the Christian Family,” Bojidar Marinov
Christian Culture vs. Clan Culture,” Bojidar Marinov
Individual Purpose and the Kingdom of God,” Bojidar Marinov

Joseph Graham

Joseph Graham

Posted on June 11, 2020

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Bill talks with Lt. Joseph Graham, Navy pilot and EXTREME dad, about the challenges and joys of fatherhood and homeschooling. You have to check out their YouTube channel Reconstruction Life, its an absolute hoot!

Reconstruction Life