Freedom Conference: The Biblical, Christian Duty to Rebel

Freedom Conference: The Biblical, Christian Duty to Rebel

Posted on June 28, 2020

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Session 1 at the 2016 Freedom Conference in Tucumcari, New Mexico. Immanuel Baptist Church hosted Bojidar Marinov as featured speaker. In this opening session, we begin to talk about the prevalent, but greatly mistaken, interpretation of Romans 13:1-7 that would have Christians yield unqualified obedience to even the worst of civil states. Marinov shows that, in its historical context (specifically, the pagan concept of “oneness of being,” which animated the Roman empire,) Paul’s words in that passage are actually revolutionary, and not merely in the sense of “innovative.” They are revolutionary in the sense of “seditious,” and they spelled the eventual end of that beastly empire.


Chalcedon Foundation Articles and Essays

Posted on July 17, 2020

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The Chalcedon Foundation® is a think tank for the self-governing Christian, devoted to the research, publishing, and promotion of Christian Reconstruction. We believe that the Christian faith is applicable to every area of life and thought and that all things are to be “reconstructed” according to God’s revealed will in Scripture.

This podcast is a collection of articles and essays narrated by volunteers from Reconstructionist Radio on behalf of Chalcedon. The authors include R.J. Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, Mark Rushdoony, Andrea Schwartz, and more.