Sovereign Common Grace or Sovereign Special Grace?

Hosted by Bojidar Marinov

And this more important theological question is this: Which order of grace – common or special – governs the world outside the church and the individual soul of man? Yes, we know that God sustains His elect through special grace, and He sustains the reprobates through His common grace. But what about the world? When God looks at the world outside the church and the souls of men, when He looks at the creation, or at the societies of man, or at the social institutions, or scientific endeavors, technological discoveries, at art and music and literature, at the total of our civilization today, does God look at it as something that just needs to be maintained and restrained (common grace), or does He look at it as something to be redeemed and saved (special grace)?

Book of the Week:
– Dominion and Common Grace by Gary North

The War Against Islam

Hosted by Bojidar Marinov

“. . . this is exactly what the West did in its war against Islam: We worked hard, and we fought hard, and we spent tons of resources and human life, only to turn a secure historical victory into something that today nearly approaches the defeat of the West. Islam didn’t do it to us. We did it, the Christians in the West, it’s our fault, from beginning to end.“

238: Are Inquisitions a Thing of the Past?

Hosted by Andrea Schwartz

Governments used inquisitions to control and direct those the elite wished to dominate, but are inquisitions a thing of the past? Listen in as we explore the history and relevance for our time.

The Little Ice Age

Hosted by Bojidar Marinov

The worldview of a culture is revealed in the way it responds to calamity.

Assigned Reading:
– Informed Heart: Autonomy in a Mass Age, Bruno Bettelheim