Civil Asset Forfeiture & Word of Faith Humanism
Civil Asset Forfeiture & Word of Faith Humanism
Posted on December 22, 2019
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How is plunder being practiced in our society by the police departments? How is heresy being practiced by Humanists in local and federal politics? How do we respond as Christians? Come. Sit at the Gate. Let’s talk
Buy the Book: The Law, by Frederic Bastiat
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Why Christians Aren’t Caring for Orphans
Why Christians Aren’t Caring for Orphans
Posted on November 23, 2019
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Matt & Helen discuss who the fatherless are, what the need is, and why Christians aren’t caring for orphans.

Princess Jasmine on the Doctrine of Interposition
Posted on July 9, 2019
Written by Suzannah Rowntree

Posted on March 1, 2016
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Axe to the Root will be a regular show produced by Reconstructionist Radio, hosted by Bojidar Marinov.