Is Finland’s Education System As Good As They Claim

Is Finland’s Education System As Good As They Claim

Posted on May 31, 2016

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There is no place like home. And when you are a 6-7-8-9-year-old kid, and your parents kick you out of their home to preserve their happiness, you are a homeless kid. It doesn’t matter if they send you to the nicest school system ever designed, with the most careful and qualified teachers, all with Master’s degrees – you are still a homeless kid, period. And when you are a homeless kid, in the minority among a population of adults who are all too happy of their selfish present, never really thinking of their future, then you grow up with the idea that you have no future, and no purpose. Yeah, for a short time, your bureaucratic well-paid surrogate mothers and fathers in school may be able to manipulate you to have a surrogate purpose and surrogate future. But eventually, it is fake, and it thins out, and you are left again like the little match girl in the Andersen’s story, in a cold world of selfish adults too busy celebrating their happiness.

Book of the Week:
– The Final Circle of Paradise by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
– The Second Invasion from Mars by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky