Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Written by Stephen Perks

Narrative Of The Arrest, Lynch Law Trial, And Scourging Of Amos Dresser
Narrative Of The Arrest, Lynch Law Trial, And Scourging Of Amos Dresser
Written by Amos Dresser
How does a seminary student, who sells Bibles to raise funds for his education, end up on the receiving end of a scourging from church leaders? Listen to this fascinating account of what Amos Dresser calls, his “Nashville incident”, which clearly illustrates the fact that righteousness is often persecuted, and injustice often upheld, by the professing church

Civil Asset Forfeiture & Word of Faith Humanism
Civil Asset Forfeiture & Word of Faith Humanism
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How is plunder being practiced in our society by the police departments? How is heresy being practiced by Humanists in local and federal politics? How do we respond as Christians? Come. Sit at the Gate. Let’s talk
Buy the Book: The Law, by Frederic Bastiat
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The Problem with James White’s Holiness Code Sermons
The Problem with James White’s Holiness Code Sermons
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Pastor Gordan Runyan offers a friendly critique of Dr. James White’s “Holiness Code” sermons. Questions about theonomy are answered with regard to homosexuality and police.