Reconstructing the Sermon
Reconstructing the Sermon
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Gordan Runyan interviews Dr. Jason Garwood about whether and how Christian Reconstruction should notably change the way preachers preach.

The Defeat of Saul of Taurus – Sermon by John Howell
The Defeat of Saul of Taurus – Sermon by John Howell
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John teaches from Acts chapter 9 and sheds some light on Saul’s encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus.
Text: Acts 9:1-20

The Law: A City on a Hill – Sermon by John Howell
The Law: A City on a Hill – Sermon by John Howell
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Text: Matthew 5:13-20 – “I have not come to abolish the Law and the Prophets…but to fulfill the Law.”
In this Sermon, John Howell exegeted Matthew 5: 13-20 and applied it to our current state of society. There is a KING and he has called us to uphold his good law so others may find him. The Gospel is a call to arms.

Setting the Record Straight
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Golden calves and sacred cows always emerge on the landscape when the Law of God is rejected. For there to be revival and a land under the judgment of God to be spared, we must remove the idolatry of the status quo within our midst. On this show, various guest pastors help us dissect and understand many of the theological issues within American Evangelicalism today; both in the pulpit and the pew. This is a production of Reconstructionist Radio.