12: Jovan Mackenzy, the Parousia, and Eschatology 101

Adam Moore, John Howell, Dustin Ranem, Colin Pearson

Podcast: #DatPostmil Podcast
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Dustin was gone this week, but somehow we managed to keep the humor for the first segment. Jovan Mackenzy (Von Frasier), creator of the original #DatPostmil intro song, joined us to confront our Batman blasphemies from Episode 10. We took his rebuke into consideration and charged forward with some meatier eschatological discourse. In the second segment, we discussed the four primary views concerning the millennium of Revelation 20 (DispensationalismHistoric PremillennialismAmillennialism, and Postmillennialism) as well as the origins and history behind those terms. After that we discussed the various views concerning the New Testament use of the Greek term Parousia—the “coming” of Christ. We wrapped it all up in the last segment with a brief synopsis of the four basic interpretive frameworks for New Testament prophetic literature (FuturismPreterismHistoricismIdealism) and how they relate to the four primary views on the millennium!

Here are some recommended links for further study:

“Your eschatology answers: ‘What does it look like for God to redeem/restore his creation?’” -@johndanielred @datpostmil #DatPostmil



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