322: Is Yours a Truncated Gospel?
322: Is Yours a Truncated Gospel?
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Are we neglecting the broader meaning of the gospel by limiting it to personal salvation? What is the wider application of our Lord’s message? Join us as we discuss the fullness of the gospel of Christ and His Kingdom.

314: Whose Responsibility is Reconciliation?
314: Whose Responsibility is Reconciliation?
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Reconciliation is paramount for the God of peace, goodness, and order, and therefore, all relationships—man and man, man and God, and man and nature—must go from hostility to peace. Join special guest Martin Selbrede, Chalcedon vice president, to discover the Biblical meaning of being peacemakers.

313: Does God Believe in Freedom of Speech?
313: Does God Believe in Freedom of Speech?
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The Bible has a lot to say about speech. Two of the Ten Commandments deal with it, and the rest of the Bible is filled with wisdom and precepts about words, the tongue, and the fruit of our lips. So, how does today’s debate about freedom of speech square with God’s Word?

312: Is It Possible to Find Joy in the Midst of Suffering?
312: Is It Possible to Find Joy in the Midst of Suffering?
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Suffering is a part of the Christian life, but so-called “compassionate” humanism seeks to escape it through euthanasia and assisted suicide. What good comes from suffering, and how should a Christian view it?

309: Is the American Church Saved but Not Salty?
309: Is the American Church Saved but Not Salty?
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The American church’s focus on personal salvation has allowed God’s enemies to gain cultural ground, and much of today’s compromise traces back to Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood. Seth Gruber’s book, The 1916 Project, offers insight and encourages Christians to serve the Kingdom of God boldly.

308: Is America Being Disinherited by God?
308: Is America Being Disinherited by God?
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Is America Being Disinherited by God?

303: Is the Lord’s Supper the Christian Passover?
303: Is the Lord’s Supper the Christian Passover?
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The agape feast of the New Testament celebrated our deliverance through Christ, but it has been reduced to a ritual in most churches. Listen as scholar Stephen Perks reveals how the Lord’s Supper is truly our Christian Passover.

293: Do We Choose God or Does He Choose Us?
293: Do We Choose God or Does He Choose Us?
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A song that used to be popular, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,” reflected a belief in the doctrine of God’s predestination. Sadly, there are those who fail to comprehend the magnificence of the biblical teaching on foreordination and election. This is the topic in this week’s Out of the Question Podcast.

285: Can You Name the Seven Deadly Sins?
285: Can You Name the Seven Deadly Sins?
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Can You Name the Seven Deadly Sins?

284: Is There Anything Controversial with Saying, “Christ is King?”
284: Is There Anything Controversial with Saying, “Christ is King?”
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Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. This is a fact, and Christians should not shy away from proclaiming it openly and often. How has it become controversial? This is the subject of this Out of the Question Podcast episode.