Romans 13:1-7 is Not a Statist Text
Romans 13:1-7 is Not a Statist Text
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Gordan Runyan gives us four solid and simple reasons for understanding that Romans 13 does not require unqualified obedience to anybody, by anybody. And especially not to an antichrist government.
What is Christian Reconstruction?
What is Christian Reconstruction?
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What is Christian Reconstruction? In this episode of Setting the Record Straight, pastor Russell Traweek of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny, Texas leads us in a discussion about the base tenets or beliefs of Christian Reconstruction and the implications of these to all of life.
130: Do National Symbols Belong in Our Churches? with Gary DeMar
130: Do National Symbols Belong in Our Churches? with Gary DeMar
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Church, State, Nationalism?
In Episode 130 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Gary DeMar of American Vision discusses the biblical, jurisdictional roles of church and state and why merging the two is detrimental to the cause of Christ
Actual Freedom for the Captives
Actual Freedom for the Captives
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Nobody should be more enthusiastic about preaching the saving message of Christ than Reconstructionists. And no confessing Recon should be satisfied with a Gospel devoid of power. In this message, Gordan Runyan pleads with his hearers to experience the transforming power of Christ; and then to spread that freedom far and wide.
The Nicene and the Work of Christ
The Nicene and the Work of Christ
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In this episode, Russell Traweek, pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny, Texas leads us in a discussion regarding the Nicene Creed and the work of Christ as part of a sermon series called Christian Reformation and Reconstruction. Join us as we apply God’s Word to all of life!
The Nicene Creed and the Historic Controversies
The Nicene Creed and the Historic Controversies
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In this episode, Russell Traweek, pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny, Texas leads a discussion that lays a foundation regarding some historic controversies and how they still sneak in today.
Attempted Crime and Gilligan’s Island
Attempted Crime and Gilligan’s Island
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Gordan Runyan answers some recent questions (completely spacing on the name, Naboth) submitted by Reconstructionist Radio listeners.
The Apostles’ Creed and Reformed Doctrine
The Apostles’ Creed and Reformed Doctrine
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In this episode, Pastor Russell Traweek of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny leads a discussion regarding “The Apostles’ Creed” and Reformed doctrine. While this normally would be a “milk” teaching for most, there was a surprise question/statement by one of the attendees that gave Christ’s bride an opportunity to speak the truth in love and apply His Word directly. Listen carefully and thoroughly to this one!
Is ‘Ignore Roe v. Wade’ a Righteous Cause?
Is ‘Ignore Roe v. Wade’ a Righteous Cause?
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In this episode, pastor Russell Traweek of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny, Texas asks the question, “Is ‘Ignore Roe v. Wade’ a Righteous Cause? Join us as we answer this in light of New York’s new abortion legislation and so on.
Dealing With False Prophets and Yokes
Dealing With False Prophets and Yokes
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Gordan Runyan continues a sermon series in Jeremiah. In this week’s thrilling episode, our hero, Jeremiah, is confronted by a false prophet, who goes public with his opposition to God’s message to submit to the yoke of Babylon. There are lessons for us to learn in both the clash of the prophets and in the symbolism of the yoke.