Reconstructing the Heart: Whole Body, Whole Gospel
Reconstructing the Heart: Whole Body, Whole Gospel
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Emotions: we all have them and we’ve all been told to keep them to ourselves. But is this a healthy way to view our God-given emotions? And what about Christian rationalism and the elevation of the mind over every other human faculty? In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood explores the impact of Greek Philosophy in modern thinking and feeling, and exposes the fallacious reasoning of what normally passes in Christianity today. For similar content, please visit crosscrownchurch.com. Thanks for listening!

The House Jesus Built
The House Jesus Built
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What did Jesus mean when he said he was leaving to prepare a place in his Father’s house? In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood preaches a message answering this very question from John 14. For more sermon content, please visit crosscrownchurch.com/sermons. Thanks for listening!

The Tale of Two Abusive Ditches
The Tale of Two Abusive Ditches
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In this episode of Setting the Record Straight, Russell Traweek, pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny, TX continues a sermon series called Churchology with a message called, “The Tale of Two Abusive Ditches.”

A Profile of Courageous Interposition
A Profile of Courageous Interposition
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Gordan Runyan presents the biblical data for a man named Ebed-melech, and the manner in which he flung himself into the breach to save a life. His example highlights our present need for Christians to act like real patriots (and not jingoists) in the defense of the weak and oppressed.

The Face of Resurrection
The Face of Resurrection
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In this episode of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood, teaching pastor of Cross & Crown Church, preaches a sermon from John 11, the famous passage on the raising of Lazarus. Thanks for listening!

Bonhoeffer’s Three-Pronged Strategy Against Tyranny
Bonhoeffer’s Three-Pronged Strategy Against Tyranny
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Gordan Runyan explains the heroic pastor’s helpful metaphor for the rights and duties of Christians in the face of destructive government.

Romans 13:1-7 is Not a Statist Text
Romans 13:1-7 is Not a Statist Text
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Gordan Runyan gives us four solid and simple reasons for understanding that Romans 13 does not require unqualified obedience to anybody, by anybody. And especially not to an antichrist government.

What is Christian Reconstruction?
What is Christian Reconstruction?
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What is Christian Reconstruction? In this episode of Setting the Record Straight, pastor Russell Traweek of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny, Texas leads us in a discussion about the base tenets or beliefs of Christian Reconstruction and the implications of these to all of life.

130: Do National Symbols Belong in Our Churches? with Gary DeMar
130: Do National Symbols Belong in Our Churches? with Gary DeMar
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Church, State, Nationalism?
In Episode 130 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Gary DeMar of American Vision discusses the biblical, jurisdictional roles of church and state and why merging the two is detrimental to the cause of Christ

Actual Freedom for the Captives
Actual Freedom for the Captives
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Nobody should be more enthusiastic about preaching the saving message of Christ than Reconstructionists. And no confessing Recon should be satisfied with a Gospel devoid of power. In this message, Gordan Runyan pleads with his hearers to experience the transforming power of Christ; and then to spread that freedom far and wide.