The Price and Remedy of Compromise

The Price and Remedy of Compromise

Posted on August 18, 2019

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Completing the series in the book of Jeremiah, Gordan Runyan highlights two last, important themes we saw repeated in the prophet’s writings. They have application when thinking about the state of the churches, and the state of our individual lives; and what actual reform would look like.

148: If Not God’s Law, Then Whose?

148: If Not God’s Law, Then Whose?

Posted on July 19, 2021

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What is theonomy? Why is it necessary? What happens when it’s applied? What happens when it’s not? The great crisis of our times remains theonomy vs autonomy, and this episode reveals the truth about God’s law in a clear, conversational format that will strengthen your love for God’s law a well as provide you with a great way to share theonomy with others.

Reconstructing the Heart: Whole Body, Whole Gospel

Reconstructing the Heart: Whole Body, Whole Gospel

Posted on August 4, 2019

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Emotions: we all have them and we’ve all been told to keep them to ourselves. But is this a healthy way to view our God-given emotions? And what about Christian rationalism and the elevation of the mind over every other human faculty? In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood explores the impact of Greek Philosophy in modern thinking and feeling, and exposes the fallacious reasoning of what normally passes in Christianity today. For similar content, please visit Thanks for listening!

The Face of Resurrection

The Face of Resurrection

Posted on June 2, 2019

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In this episode of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood, teaching pastor of Cross & Crown Church, preaches a sermon from John 11, the famous passage on the raising of Lazarus. Thanks for listening!