The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride

Posted on June 11, 2020

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As you wish, we accomplish the inconceivable. Using only our left hands, though we are not left-handed, we put the classic, satirical fairy-tale under the microscope of the 5-point covenant model found in Scripture. But that’s nothing, just wait until we get going! So before you leave the farm to seek your fortune, listen in as we uncover worldview secrets more significant than the three terrors of the Fire Swamp.

Coming up in Episode 7: We will review the USA network’s now-finished series “Psych.” Though we will speak in general terms of the whole, we will focus on one episode: Season 2, episode 2 – “65 Million Years Off.”

The Return of the King

The Return of the King

Posted on June 11, 2020

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In this hefty episode we conclude our analysis of Peter Jackson’s masterful Lord of the Rings trilogy of movies. We have a new answer to the question we ask in section 2 of the Biblical covenant: Who represents the transcendent power? As well as a new over-arching moral dilemma, we finally get to see substantial entries under point 4: Sanctions. This is where everybody gets what they deserve. We also start to answer a listener question about magic in fiction.

Stay tuned for next episode, where we will look at one of our favorites, The Princess Bride.

1: Reign of Christ, 50 Shades of Nay, Lone Rangers

1: Reign of Christ, 50 Shades of Nay, Lone Rangers

Posted on July 6, 2020

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Here it is, what you’ve all been waiting for! Episode 1 of DatPostmil Podcast! We are so excited to bring you gospel-saturated dominion theology this week as we talk about:

  • The Reign of Christ
  • 50 Shades of Nay (Gospel Spam’s article)
  • ‘Lone Rangers’ and the Local Church

“In the new heavens and the new earth, the bacon will lie down with the scallop and it will wrap itself.” -Adam

The Two Towers

The Two Towers

Posted on June 11, 2020

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We continue our piercing analysis of The Lord of the Rings trilogy with part two, The Two Towers. As always, we’re looking for plot devices, as well as plot holes. We use the 5-point model of the Biblical Covenant as a framework for discerning the worldview presented in the movie. In this second installment of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, we get some more information related to the concept of Transcendence and discover an Ethical theme that differs from the one that ran like a thread through The Fellowship of the Ring.

The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring

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In episode three, Middle Earth is put on a slide and examined under the microscope of the Biblical covenant. It’s the first in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring. We uncover a thematic moral precept, which has a lot to say about Tolkien’s view of humanity. Plus, it’s just plain fun talking about one of our favorite movies. Grab some popcorn and enjoy.

X-Men: Apocalypse

X-Men: Apocalypse

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The latest installment in the X-Men franchise is placed under the lens of the 5-point Biblical covenant structure, and we uncover a fundamental sort of discordant inconsistency in the underlying worldview. But it shouldn’t be surprising: it’s the same inconsistency that most naturalist/materialist atheists seem happy to live with. Good presuppositional apologetic training, then!