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Prompted by current events, this week in the War Room we discuss how families and congregations need to be proactive regarding rapacious, anti-God/anti-family, quasi-government agencies like Child Protective Services, EPA, FDA, etc. I share counsel from a parent whose children were seized, and from a battle-hardened veteran of the fight against the beast system.

Outside the Box 6
Outside the Box 6
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Outside the Box – #6: Starting a business (find a need and fill it)

Outside the Box 5
Outside the Box 5
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Outside the Box – #4: Learning How to Do Practical Research

Outside the Box 4
Outside the Box 4
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Outside the Box – #4: Developing Telephone, Email, and In-Person Skills

Outside the Box 2
Outside the Box 2
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Outside the Box – #2: Opportunities for Mentorship/Apprenticeship

Jason Matyas
Jason Matyas
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Jason Matyas visits the War Room to discuss the excellent documentary Beyond Off Grid.
Note: Our internet connection was very sketchy. Please forgive the audio quality.
Beyond Off Grid

048: Is Retirement a Biblical Concept?
048: Is Retirement a Biblical Concept?
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In episode #48 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Steve Macias and Andrea Schwartz interview missionaries Roger and Marcy Oliver who discuss their twenty years serving in Puebla, Mexico.

Lee Weiland
Lee Weiland
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I visit with Lee ‘the Real Ninja’ Weiland, acrobat, fitness & gymnastic club owner/martial artist, abolitionist, reconstructionist and blogger at GospelJitsu.com. We talk about gymnastics, Alaska, ecclesiology, and his article Milk Tyrant Popedoms.

Kyle & Shelby Shepherd
Kyle & Shelby Shepherd
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Bill talks with Kyle & Shelby Shepherd, a young homeschooled, Christian Reconstructionist couple, who despite very ordinary beginnings, by the age of 24, investing their simple love for reading, have already been involved in some BIG things; and are planning even BIGGER things.

Dustin Ranem: Digital Marketing and Kingdom Work
Dustin Ranem: Digital Marketing and Kingdom Work
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Bill talks with Dustin Ranem, husband, homeschooling father of 5, internet marketing guru, and busy webmaster for Reconstructionist Radio and New City Times. He talks about his many responsibilities, and his work behind the scenes advancing the Kingdom and connecting God’s people.