Posted on June 20, 2020

Written by R.J. Rushdoony

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Posted on March 18, 2020

Written by Gary North

Impending Judgment

“How long do we expect God to withhold His wrath, if by crushing the humanists who promote mass abortion… He might spare the lives of literally millions of innocents?”

Tom Smedley

Tom Smedley

Posted on January 10, 2020

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At the age of 20, Tom Smedley, Jesus Freak, could not think more than a week or two ahead. Part of this was his own sinful present-orientation. Part was the apocalyptic hysteria that marinated that movement.

At the age of 59, Tom Smedley, husband, father, and technical writer, completed an arduous five-year ordeal to earn his PhD. He was thinking in terms of the next 30-40 years, and of how to leverage his credibility as a proclaimer of the Gospel. His dissertation took the form of an apologia addressed to magistrates in a Muslim nation.

What made the difference? Embracing a better future. A future dominated by the elephant in the living room, the fact that Jesus is LORD over the vast universe around us as well as guru over the half-vast “universe” inside us. Inviting Jesus into your heart? Small potatoes. Religious experiences are a dime a dozen, and easily counterfeited, whether by a magic pill, or an hypnotic trance induced by a professional orator with mumbo-jumbo incantations of “every head bowed, every eye closed,” etc. BUT — if the Great King and Redeemer summons you into HIS heart, his agenda, his ongoing work, that’s an invitation you dare not refuse. The destinies of your children are at stake. So, too, are the hopes and yearnings of those around you, who wait for that specific function God created you, called you, and empowered you to do for His glory.

Today, the little birds have left the nest, and Tom mentors online college classes from his home office, while caring for his beloved demented spouse. Alzheimer’s knocked on our door 40 years ahead of schedule, but Vicky still has the superpower of lighting up his world with her smiles. He loves his work, is good at it, and willingly admits that it took him 30 years of struggling through his “day jobs” to acquire the character necessary for the responsibilities he bears today.

The Modern War on Self-Government

The Modern War on Self-Government

Posted on March 15, 2016

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The original American rugged individualism didn’t come out of the blue. It was the product of 17 centuries of development of Christian doctrine and worldview, as well as the teachings of the Reformation and its view of the priestly status of the individual man under God. Our politicians and churchmen today hate it; they hate it because they hate the Christian doctrine and the Christian worldview that created that individualism. In order for the modern elites to thwart God’s Dominion Mandate to man, they need to replace it with the state’s power domination over man. But a self-governing man under God is not subject to power domination; and this made Christianity dangerous for the Roman Empire, and for the modern pagan tyrants as well. And we better keep it dangerous.

Bojidar’s Links:

Book of the Week:
 – Christianity and Classical Culture, Charles Norris Cochrane