John Crawford

John Crawford

Posted on June 11, 2020

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In this episode we talk with John Crawford on the topic of covenantal fruitfulness, the decline in American culture because of national disobedience, and the current result of that disobedience. Hear a clip of John preaching at the God and Culture conference on this very subject.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Posted on March 18, 2020

Written by Gary North

Fundamentalism: Old And New

“…old fundamentalists are becoming new fundamentalists, and the…  new fundamentalists are preaching a vision of victory.”

Lucus Bell

Lucus Bell

Posted on January 10, 2020

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Through the challenges of the all too common broken home and addictions, God has brought me from a place of being spiritually dead and a slave to my own sin, to a place of redemption, restoration and purpose. Where I was once spiritually oblivious to just how truly lost I was, His faithfulness has shown me what it is to be in right relation, to a place of continuing growth and maturity. He has given me new life and meaning, and He continues to bring me to a new understanding of what it is to proclaim an uncompromising gospel with the sole purpose of taking dominion here and now for our King who reigns HERE and NOW.

Setting the Record Straight

Posted on October 1, 2019

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Golden calves and sacred cows always emerge on the landscape when the Law of God is rejected. For there to be revival and a land under the judgment of God to be spared, we must remove the idolatry of the status quo within our midst. On this show, various guest pastors help us dissect and understand many of the theological issues within American Evangelicalism today; both in the pulpit and the pew. This is a production of Reconstructionist Radio.