
Out of the Question

Posted on July 21, 2020

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Out of the Question Podcast: Uncovering the Question Behind the Question is a weekly podcast which uncovers the real question behind many common questions and offers Biblical solutions.

Your host Andrea Schwartz produce this podcast as a part of R.J. Rushdoony’s Chalcedon Foundation. Reconstructionist Radio has partnered with Chalcedon to promote the works of Rushdoony as well as contemporary reconstructionists such as Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, Andrea Schwartz, and others.

Reconstructionist Radio produces podcasts and audiobooks for the kingdom-minded Reformed, Calvinist, Postmillennial, Theonomic, and Presuppositional Christian.



Posted on June 20, 2020

Written by R.J. Rushdoony

John Crawford Recap

John Crawford Recap

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This special 4th of July episode, Gary and Nathan recap episode #5. John Crawford joined reformingbiz podcast to discuss Covenantal fruitfulness. They discuss the result of Christian’s backing away from cultural involvement in the marketplace, and how when that happens someone will fill the void, as we have seen for nearly 150 years now with more and more gov’t overreach into the market place.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Posted on March 18, 2020

Written by Gary North

Why Fight To Lose?

“It is time for Christians to stop giving Satan credit for more than he is worth. Christians must stop worrying about Satan’s power, and start working to undermine his kingdom.”

Jason Sanchez

Jason Sanchez

Posted on January 10, 2020

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Raised in a godly home and church, Jason Sanchez had a good foundation to build upon, instead through his rebellion he chose to wander in the desert, just as the children of Israel did. He pursued his idols until God crushed each and every one. The long-suffering of God is displayed in the life of this Once Dead, but now by God’s grace, Kingdom-Driven, ambassador of the King.