No Neutrality
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Reconstructionist Radio Podcast Network presents a new episode every Saturday of “No Neutrality” where we have a roundtable of contributors pushing the antithesis in every area of life. From apologetics, to government, to homeschooling, to being a wife/mother, husband/father, single, widow, employer, employee. You will hear commentary, essays, lectures, and practical steps on how to bring forth the Christian worldview to all of life. This is a production of Reconstructionist Radio.

Chapter 8: The World of the Tithe
Chapter 8: The World of the Tithe
Written by R.J. Rushdoony

Written by Dr. Joel McDurmon

Chapter 8: Lili Baehr
Chapter 8: Lili Baehr
Written by Gail G Nordskog

Lesson 7: Local Government In A Free America
Lesson 7: Local Government In A Free America
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Joel McDurmon of discusses the role of Christian Worldview, politics, theology, and how to restore our American Republic.
Download the FREE Study Guide!
Get the book: Restoring America: One County at a Time

Matthew Marquard: Covenantal Faithfulness and the Biblical Doctrine of Preparedness
Matthew Marquard: Covenantal Faithfulness and the Biblical Doctrine of Preparedness
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Bill and guest Matthew Marquard discuss covenantal faithfulness and the biblical doctrine of preparedness.
Note of correction: The essay “Why the Gun is Civilization” has been commonly yet erroneously attributed to a Major L Caudill USMC Ret., Who may be a fictional character created by the true author Marko Kloos, a writer of military fiction.