
Tithing and Dominion

Posted on August 21, 2020

Written by R.J. Rushdoony

God’s Kingdom covers all things in its scope, and its immediate ministry includes, according to Scripture, the ministry of grace (the church), instruction (the Christian and homeschool), help to the needy (the diaconate), and many other things. God’s appointed means for financing His Kingdom activities is centrally the tithe. This work affirms that the Biblical requirement of tithing is a continuing aspect of God’s law-word and cannot be neglected. This book is “must reading” as Christians work to take dominion in the Lord’s name.



Posted on June 20, 2020

Written by R.J. Rushdoony

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Posted on March 18, 2020

Written by Gary North

Capturing The Robes

“The very same people who the fundamentalists regard as followers of Satan have set up the accreditation system, and the fundamentalist leaders have rushed to submit themselves to them in order to get their certificates of academic acceptability.”

Jeffery Fish

Jeffery Fish

Posted on January 10, 2020

Written by

From the all too typical American story of love that is not found on the Truth of God’s Word, my parents tried to build a family apart from a covenant with God and wound up divorcing after 23 years of marriage when I was 11. With no real Christian influence in my life, I turned to the world and the things it has to offer for my fulfillment. Though there was always a vestige of belief in “God” (whoever that was) and had an awareness that He might be real, the life I lived proved that the god I believed in didn’t care so much about me living for Him, but for gratifying myself.

Through the false pride in my own goodness that came from comparing myself with others, to the lies, the affairs and much betrayal, God proved that He is so much bigger than the absolute wrecks we can make of our lives and of other’s lives. But, if He wants you as His, He’ll bring you to the place that you know that all that matters is living for and serving Him in the Earth for the rest of your life. From a godless pagan to a new creation in Christ Jesus, I was created for good works which God created beforehand, that I would walk in them. May His Kingdom fill the Earth.