Chapter 17: Protestantism and Science

Chapter 17: Protestantism and Science

Posted on August 4, 2020

Written by Stephen Perks

Reviews of Peter Harrison’s The Bible, Protestantism and the Rise of Natural Science (Cambridge University Press, 1998, ISBN 1-520-59096-0) and Alfred W. Crosby’s The Measure of Reality: Quantification and Western Society 1250-1600 (Cambridge University Press, 1997, ISBN 1-520-63991-5), from Christianity & Society, Vol. IX, No. 4, (October 1999)

13: Tomorrowland, Joe Boot, and Proactive Disunity with Luke Pierson

13: Tomorrowland, Joe Boot, and Proactive Disunity with Luke Pierson

Posted on July 6, 2020

Written by

We had a great conversation with Luke “the Bear” Pierson of Apologia Radio/Apologia Church/Apologia Studios…or as we like to call it, APOLOGIA EMPIRE. We talked about the Postmil feel of Tomorrowland, Joe Boot, and proactive disunity. It was great fun! Check it out!

Here are some recommended links for further study:

“The problem isn’t that I have an over-realized eschatology, it’s that you have an under-realized soteriology.” -Joe Boot