Appendix 3: Matthew
Appendix 3: Matthew
Written by Ray Sutton

#20: The Meat of the Word Q&A
#20: The Meat of the Word Q&A
Written by

Foundations of Reconstruction Essays
Foundations of Reconstruction Essays
Written by
The Messianic Reign of Christ (1:00 – 8:10)
The Bible and Race (8:15 – 16:15)
The Gospel: Full-Orbed Definition (16:20 – 21:45)
Brought to you by the folks at Foundations of Reconstruction.

How the West Was Converted
How the West Was Converted
Written by Stephen Perks

Chapter 18: The Poor Tithe
Chapter 18: The Poor Tithe
Written by R.J. Rushdoony

Written by Gary DeMar & Peter Leithart

Chapter 18: The Time Is at Hand
Chapter 18: The Time Is at Hand
Written by David Chilton

Chapter 18: Misconstruing Federal Theology
Chapter 18: Misconstruing Federal Theology
Written by Stephen Perks
A review of David A. Weir’s The Origins of the Federal Theology in Sixteenth-Century Reformation Thought (Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1990, ISBN 1-09-826691-0), from Calvinism Today, Vol. III, No. 4, (October 1993)

14: Philosophy of Voting & 9 Marks On The Gospel And Culture
14: Philosophy of Voting & 9 Marks On The Gospel And Culture
Written by
This week we had a great discussion on voting. It’s a timely issue and needs to be seriously thought about by all Christians. How should we support the existing government? Should we dissent? Is there such thing as a wasted vote? We covered the RPCNA’s voting stance, mostly focusing on the supremacy clause of the US Constitution (stating that the supreme authority is itself and the laws made) and the religious pluralism upheld by the First Amendment (explicitly denying the First Commandment). Then we discussed an article on the 9Mark website (see link below) regarding the Gospel and Culture. We encourage you all to visit the page and engage them in the comment section! Cheers folks!
Here are some recommended links for further study:
- Tanner’s Whiskey Sour recipe
- The US Constitution Weighted in the Balance
- RPCNA’s stance on voting
- Does the Gospel Include the Transformation of Society? 9Marks article
- Don’t Limit the Gospel by Joel McDurmon (video)
- What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? by Jeff Durbin of Apologia (video)
- What is the Gospel? by John Howell (minisode)
- The Law: A City on a Hill by John Howell (sermon)
“Religious liberty is letting every man choose his own way to hell.”