#7: The Sin of Abortion
#7: The Sin of Abortion
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The fallout from the recent Supreme Court leak regarding the future, albeit soon over-ruling of Roe V. Wade continues to rage on like an inferno as America is forced to deal with the sin of abortion—what do we make of this? The left is still melting down and protesting out front of the homes of SCOTUS justices; pro-lifers are vaingloriously taking credit; but we abolitionists have much more to say.
- Louisiana House Bill 813 is at the center of controversy because for the first time in history, a bill of total abolition of abortion has made it out of committee. We’ll talk more about this.
- Plus, last week the White House hosted their Correspondents’ Dinner and per usual the jokes were out in force. One of them, however, wasn’t so funny.
- And finally, while this isn’t a national news headline, it is important: Abolish Abortion Virginia is hosting a conference here in Fauquier County, Northern Virginia. And you should come.

Written by Dr. Jason Garwood

No Neutrality
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Reconstructionist Radio Podcast Network presents a new episode every Saturday of “No Neutrality” where we have a roundtable of contributors pushing the antithesis in every area of life. From apologetics, to government, to homeschooling, to being a wife/mother, husband/father, single, widow, employer, employee. You will hear commentary, essays, lectures, and practical steps on how to bring forth the Christian worldview to all of life. This is a production of Reconstructionist Radio.

#6: The Problem of Free Speech
#6: The Problem of Free Speech
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Free Speech: what is it and why is it free? With Elon Musk’s $44 Billion purchase of Twitter, the question of what constitutes free speech is now a national conversation. Or at the very least, it’s a national yelling match. But how does Scripture view the relationship between freedom and speech?
- The Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stated last week that DHS is creating a “Disinformation Governance Board” to combat misinformation head of the 2022 midterms. Is this a good idea or a bad idea?
- Plus, a new study from Great Britain discovered microplastic particles in the lung tissue of 11 out of 13 patients who were undergoing surgery. Are we ready to have a frank discussion about the dangers of prolonged mask-wearing, yet?
- And, a leaker at the U.S. Supreme Court has informed us that SCOTUS has the majority vote to overturn Roe V. Wade. Pro-lifers are exuberant, leftists like Senator Elizabeth Warren are losing their minds. We’ll discuss.

Chapter 6: Energize
Chapter 6: Energize
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood

Tyrants Are Not Ministers of God (Interview with Robert E. Fugate)
Tyrants Are Not Ministers of God (Interview with Robert E. Fugate)
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Join us for a special episode with our host, Pastor Jason Garwood, as he interviews Dr. Robert Fugate regarding his book Tyrants Are Not Ministers of God: What the Bible Teaches about Civil Disobedience, Romans 13, and Quarantine.

Chapter 5: Detoxify
Chapter 5: Detoxify
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood

Part II: The Role of the Churches – Chapter 7: The Church, Racism, and Slavery
Part II: The Role of the Churches – Chapter 7: The Church, Racism, and Slavery
Written by Dr. Joel McDurmon

#5: The Idols of Our Day
#5: The Idols of Our Day
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Idolatry — that treasonous rebellion that plagues unregenerate man and his culture-making efforts — is pernicious and ubiquitous. We’ll consider the doctrine of idolatry and take a look at the various idols plaguing us today, including the biggest one that continues to throw its ugly weight around.
- U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle stated in Tampa, Florida that the CDC has failed to adequately explain its reasons for the mandating of masks on public transportation and airplanes, and ruled against the mandate. The fallout has been interesting.
- The South China Morning Post reports that Shanghai’s most recent lockdown efforts is sucking the life out of everyone — but who could have possibly predicted that? We’ll discuss.
- Elon Musk, who has been the center of controversy lately with his attempted personal acquisition of Twitter, is back in the news for his comments related to Netflix and wokeness. We’ll take a look at what offensive thing he said this time.

Chapter 4: Nutrify
Chapter 4: Nutrify
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood