Oliver Cromwell: A Man Ahead of His Time

Oliver Cromwell: A Man Ahead of His Time

Posted on June 28, 2016

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While the situation in our day is not perfectly similar to that in 17th century England, we have a number of Christians today who do not understand the law of God, do not care for the Law of God, and yet still advocate one or another action of the civil government. Most of their ideology of government is not Biblical – it comes from the modern popular theories, which are all children of the Enlightenment and its neopaganism.

Paganism in all its forms leads to tyranny. In the final account, our participation as Christians in the political arena without a clear understanding of the boundaries on civil government, will lead not to more righteousness, nor to more religious liberty. It will only lead to more tyranny. The Law of God must be at the foundation of our political involvement, and we must reject the temptation to expect the civil government to solve problems which are Biblically given to the family and the church. Like the Presbyterians of Cromwell’s time, we may find ourselves in alliance with the enemies of God, and eventually undermine our own efforts. In this, Cromwell should be a good example of a man who knew the limits of government. A man ahead of his time, but also a man underestimated in our own time, his views of government, and his actions in preventing tyranny may once again be a good school for us, in our own times of creeping tyranny.

Book of the Week:
– The Protector: A Vindication by Merle D’Aubigne


Justice in His Kingdom

Posted on July 31, 2020

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Justice is an ever-present topic of discussion, especially so in recent times. But how does our pagan world define and implement it? More importantly, how should Christians determine what is just and by what standard?

Jerri Lynn Ward and Roger Oliver’s Justice in His Kingdom Podcast will help you understand God’s standards for justice and how to break free of pagan, pragmatic ideas about how it should be defined and implemented. It will discuss His requirement to do justice in every area of life including foreign affairs, the laws of nations, courts and more.