Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Posted on June 16, 2020

Written by Stephen Perks


Section 1: Historical Misconceptions

Section 2: Socialism and Revolution

Section 3: Socialism and Slavery

Section 4: Socialism and Christianity

Section 5: Capitalism and Christianity

Section 6: Socialism as Religion

Section 7: Socialism, Mammon and Patronage

Section 8:  Conclusion

Excursus – Some Neglected Aspects of Marxist Ideology

Section 1: Marxist Communism and Socialism

Section 2: Marxism and Sexual Communism

Section 3: Marxist Communism and the Family

Section 4: Marxism, Libertarianism and Idolatry

Section 5: Marxism, Fascism and Socialism

Short Message for Millennials

Short Message for Millennials

Posted on January 10, 2020

Written by

Since Bojidar Marinov brought attention to it in his Axe to the Root episode titled “Bashing Millennials,” we have believed God to use this rising generation in an opposite manner than they are portrayed by the dying movement of collectivist conservatives and churchmen in our culture, to smash the idols of collectivist authoritarianism of the institutional state and institutional church, and to usher in the next stage of His Story, where self-government is primary.