111: Is Every Hill One to Die On?
111: Is Every Hill One to Die On?
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How do you determine which battles to fight in service to the Kingdom? This is discussed in episode #111 of the Out of the Question Podcast.

110: What’s So Bad About Censorship?
110: What’s So Bad About Censorship?
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A discussion about how Christians have adopted a humanistic attitude toward censorship rather than a Biblical one is the subject of episode #110 of the Out of the Question Podcast.

The Biblical Response Today to Immigration and Borders
The Biblical Response Today to Immigration and Borders
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In this episode Russell Traweek seeks to answer several allegations and excuses in opposition to the so-called “illegal immigration” debate, borders, buildings walls and separating families. This sermon is an excerpt from an on-going sermon series on the book of Nehemiah. Russell is pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny, TX.

105: How Hot Does the Frying Pan Have to Get?
105: How Hot Does the Frying Pan Have to Get?
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In episode #105 of the Out of the Question Podcast, the hosts discuss the alternative to accepting the status quo when it comes to encroachments on our God-given rights.

104: How Can We Keep from Singing?
104: How Can We Keep from Singing?
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Whether or not Christians should obey any order forbidding congregational signing in church is the topic of the 104th episode of the Out of the Question Podcast.

Government’s Blank Check? Romans 13:1-7
Government’s Blank Check? Romans 13:1-7
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Patriotism vs. Nationalism Revisited
Patriotism vs. Nationalism Revisited
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On this “Memorial Day” weekend, Russell Traweek, pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Sweeny, Texas revisits a podcast from years past and discusses this sensitive and often hostile topic. What is the difference between the two? What path should we walk in as Christians to different from the pagan acts of this world? This episode is not some pietistic mumbo jumbo, but a look at the root cause of inconsistency amongst the church in America today.

097: Is It Biblical to Be Patriotic?
097: Is It Biblical to Be Patriotic?
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In episode #97 of the Out of the Question Podcast, the subject of patriotism vs. nationalism is discussed from a biblical framework.s

096: If the State Didn’t Provide Welfare, What Would Happen to the Poor?
096: If the State Didn’t Provide Welfare, What Would Happen to the Poor?
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In episode 96 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Biblical welfare is examined.

The Ethical Imperative of Abolition
The Ethical Imperative of Abolition
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In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Dr. Jason Garwood preaches at the 2017 Abolish Abortion Texas Conference and Rally in Austin, Texas. Thanks for listening!