
Torture: A Biblical Critique

Posted on June 23, 2020

Written by Dr. Phillip Kayser

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The United Nations, Solidarity International, and some human rights organizations have tried to define and rule out torture, but have been frustrated at how difficult it is to even define the term. Is abortion torture? Solidarity International surprisingly says “No.” But what is even more bizarre, that “human rights” organization has successfully brought a complaint before the United Nations against Nicaragua, claiming that this nation is engaging in torture against women on a massive scale by prohibiting all abortion! What is torture? Should our civil government ever engage in torture? How do we know? It is the contention of this author that apart from the infallible revelation of God in the Scriptures, no one can give a consistent answer. What are we to think of the practices of spanking, waterboarding, and corporal punishment? This booklet seeks to give a Biblically consistent answer to these and other questions.

The Curse of an Export-Oriented Economy

The Curse of an Export-Oriented Economy

Posted on April 25, 2017

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Those who call for the US government to “stimulate the economy” by regulating import and export are calling for and economic disaster. They are calling for the government to turn us all into frugal tramps – and keep us so for the purposes of a government policy.

Assigned Reading:
– Idols for Destruction: The Conflict of Christian Faith and American Culture, Herbert Schlossberg

The Biblical View of “Class and Caste”

The Biblical View of “Class and Caste”

Posted on March 21, 2017

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The central point here is that any communion or community has to be based on a moral commitment to a creed or a faith. It can’t be metaphysical, based on some neutral characteristics like genetics, place of birth, economic status, IQ, or anything else. It has to be ethical/judicial;…There has to be a transcendent faith, and that faith has to have a transcendent moral law which would unite all the members of the communion into one body, without losing each one’s identity. Without such selective communion with people of the same faith and the same moral status, any community will end up being a communion with evil.

Assigned Reading:
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber