Chariots Of Prophetic Fire
Written by R.J. Rushdoony
There is a marked resemblance between our time and that of Elijah and Elisha. Theirs was a time of judgment; ours is as well. But there is a deeper resemblance. Their day was an age of syncretism, of radical compromise between the worship of the Lord and Baal worship. The two had been blended together to make one religion, so that a refusal to see the necessity for uncompromising religion marked Israel.
Israel rarely denied the Lord or professed open apostasy. Rather, it pursued a course of religious syncretism, using the name of the Lord but absorbing with their religion whatever faith was expedient for them. Thus, they were not open pagans, but pagans who practiced their unbelief under cover of the Lord’s name.
Syncretism is again our problem. Numerous forces, powers, and persons are accorded sovereignty over man. Today, Baal-worship is again prevalent in the name of the Lord. Humanistic statism is easily and readily submitted to by churchmen: children are placed in humanistic state schools, given into the hands of enemies of God, and people are only indignant if you condemn this practice. The major concern of most church members is not the Lord’s battles, nor the urgency to make a stand against compromise, but, “How can I best enjoy life?”
The similarity does not end there. Elijah and Elisha’s day was one of prosperity, a false prosperity that was largely the product of inflation. Our age, too, has been marked by an inflationary prosperity, and the loosening of moral and religious standards is one result. People want things, not qualities or virtues. This mindset demands more material wealth for men and diminishes the need for moral and educational performance and excellence. It is now a virtue to tolerate evil and to be intolerant of any material lack of man.
In Chariots of Prophetic Fire, R. J. Rushdoony challenges the Church of our day to resist compromise and the temptation of expediency, and realize that the power today does not lie in politics or governments but in God’s men of faith.

Soli Deo Gloria – Sovereignty, Justice & Law
Soli Deo Gloria – Sovereignty, Justice & Law
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Does the Bible advocate political pluralism? What is the Biblical way forward?
Biblical Worldview Academy
2017 Reformation 500 Conference

The Folly of the Modern Immigration Debate
The Folly of the Modern Immigration Debate
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For most – if not all – defenders of immigration restrictions and control, the immigration restrictions are some abstract reality out there, and if “we just obey the law,” there would be no problems, and everything will be alright. What is always missed is that behind these abstract immigration laws they want to see enforced, there is an institutional arrangement, and that institutional arrangement is just as destructive to America as are the government schools. And certainly more destructive to America than any threat open borders could involve.
Assigned Reading:
– Bojidar Marinov’s lectures on Biblical Immigration

Joseph Foreman
Joseph Foreman
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Bill talks with former National Director of Operation Rescue & co-founder of Missionaries to the Preborn, Joseph Foreman about his understanding of Christian discipleship, reflections on Operation Rescue, the state of the Church, and his book Shattering the Darkness.

Political Update
Political Update
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Culture is the public manifestation of religion. How should Christians relate to and participate in culture?
Biblical Worldview Academy
2017 Reformation 500 Conference

034: How Should Christians Participate in the Political Process?
034: How Should Christians Participate in the Political Process?
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In Episode #34 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Paul Dorr of Copperhead Consulting is the featured guest.

Casa Sanchez
Casa Sanchez
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In this rousing war room free-for-all held at Casa Sanchez with host Bill Evans, and War Room guests Jason Sanchez, Gilbert Lino, Gabriel Colangelo and Matt Vitelli engage in typical man talk over aged scotch and fine cigars-family, ecclesiastical & civil government, secession, abolishing human abortion, biblical leadership, the priesthood of every believer, making disciples, education and culture.
Don’t mind the children in the background, God calls them a blessing and they tire out way before we do 😉

The War Against Islam
The War Against Islam
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“. . . this is exactly what the West did in its war against Islam: We worked hard, and we fought hard, and we spent tons of resources and human life, only to turn a secure historical victory into something that today nearly approaches the defeat of the West. Islam didn’t do it to us. We did it, the Christians in the West, it’s our fault, from beginning to end.“

Hegelianism and the Modern State
Hegelianism and the Modern State
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A philosophy that self-consciously started with a departure from God as the objective transcendent standard, ended up creating a system of statist domination that the West hadn’t seen since the times of the late Roman Empire. As Rushdoony said in his Foundations of Social Order, all paganism inevitably leads to statism. Hegel’s neo-paganism was not an exception.

Lesson 30: The Executive Branch – Restoring Freedom
Lesson 30: The Executive Branch – Restoring Freedom
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Joel McDurmon of discusses the role of Christian Worldview, politics, theology, and how to restore our American Republic.
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