Chapter 25: Jehu and Jezebel
Chapter 25: Jehu and Jezebel
Written by R.J. Rushdoony

Tucumcari, NM – Local Area News
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025: How Do I Know If I Am a Good Citizen?
025: How Do I Know If I Am a Good Citizen?
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Charles Roberts and Andrea Schwartz discuss what it means to be a “good citizen” in Episode #25 of the Out of the Question Podcast.

20: Paul Barth, Presbyterian Memes, & Covenanters
20: Paul Barth, Presbyterian Memes, & Covenanters
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We had a great time chatting with Paul Barth, the creative mind behind Presbyterian Memes. We heard about his process for creating memes, his transition out of the military, and all about being a Covenanter. You will want to hear this one!
- Our Top 5 Favorite Presbyterian Memes
- 1650 Psalter: Psalms of David in Meter
- The Shaking and Translating of Heaven and Earth (John Owen, Complete Works, Sermon V)
- 7 Differences Between Covenanters and Reconstructionists
- Judicial Law: General vs. Particular Equity
- What is National Covenanting?
- Confessional Two Kingdoms
- History of the Work of Redemption Jonathan Edwards
- The Law of Nature and the Civil Enforcement of the First Table
- Lex Propria — Proper Law | Lex Propria, Part 2
- Reformed Theonomy Reading List

Freedom Conference: The Way of Wise Rebellion
Freedom Conference: The Way of Wise Rebellion
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Session 4, Freedom Conference, 2016, Tucumcari, NM. Bojidar Marinov. So, you’ve decided you have a duty to resist tyrants. Great! Now, don’t be an idiot. There’s a difference between wise and unwise rebellion. Here is a lot of practical advice about getting it right.

Lesson 23: Judicial Tyranny In America
Lesson 23: Judicial Tyranny In America
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Joel McDurmon of discusses the role of Christian Worldview, politics, theology, and how to restore our American Republic.
Download the FREE Study Guide!
Get the book: Restoring America: One County at a Time

Appendix 5 – Religious Repression in Ethiopia, by Archbishop Abba Mathias
Appendix 5 – Religious Repression in Ethiopia, by Archbishop Abba Mathias
Written by David Chilton

Second-Amendment Sheriffs?
Second-Amendment Sheriffs?
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“. . . we need to go back to the real meaning of the Second Amendment. What was the historical context of the Amendment and of the Bill of Rights in general? What particular philosophical and ideological terms were at the foundation of the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights in general? Who were the people who were granted the rights? Who was the “antagonist,” the entity against which the rights were to be exercised?
All these questions are very important, and all these have been answered incorrectly by modern liberals in their gun-grabbing attempts. But the real problem is, conservatives have been just as bad in interpreting the Second Amendment – and it is their failure to read it for what it is is what led to our present loss of individual rights. Yes, folks, it is not the liberals, it is the conservatives’ failure that our rights have been taken away little by little. Had conservatives been consistent and faithful to the real meaning of the Amendment, we wouldn’t be here today.”
Book of the Week:
– August 1, 1946. The battle of Athens, Tennessee by C. Stephen Byrum

Chapter 24: Expediency
Chapter 24: Expediency
Written by R.J. Rushdoony

Freedom Conference: The Evil of the Executive State
Freedom Conference: The Evil of the Executive State
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Session 3 from the 2016 Freedom Conference in Tucumcari, NM. Where did we get the idea that government should be divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches? Hint: NOT the Bible! What do the Scriptures say about “executive” power and who should be allowed to wield it? The answer might surprise you.