Lectures on the Politics of God and the Politics of Man 01 – Introduction Part 1
Lectures on the Politics of God and the Politics of Man 01 – Introduction Part 1
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Lectures on the Politics of God and the Politics of Man 01 – Introduction Part 1

The Biblical View of “Class and Caste”
The Biblical View of “Class and Caste”
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The central point here is that any communion or community has to be based on a moral commitment to a creed or a faith. It can’t be metaphysical, based on some neutral characteristics like genetics, place of birth, economic status, IQ, or anything else. It has to be ethical/judicial;…There has to be a transcendent faith, and that faith has to have a transcendent moral law which would unite all the members of the communion into one body, without losing each one’s identity. Without such selective communion with people of the same faith and the same moral status, any community will end up being a communion with evil.
Assigned Reading:
– The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber

047: If I Resist the State, Don’t I Risk Losing My Children?
047: If I Resist the State, Don’t I Risk Losing My Children?
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In episode #47 of the Out of the Question Podcast, Steve Macias and Andrea Schwartz interview attorney Bradley Pierce of Heritage Defense whose mission is to protect and empower the Biblical family from encroachment by the state.

Peter Allison
Peter Allison
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Bill visits with Peter Allison, former Naval Officer and instructor at Annapolis, engineer and teaching elder at Crown & Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church in Conroe, Tx. The topics are the Federal Reserve, Social Security, Tax is Theft vs. Obey Lawful Authorities, and the importance of, and tips for, getting out of debt.
The views expressed by the guest are not necessarily those of the podcast host or Board Members of Reconstructionist Radio.

Abolish Abortion Texas
Abolish Abortion Texas
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Special Talk at the AATX Conference

Christianity and Law: The Influence of Christianity on the Development of English Common Law
Written by Stephen Perks
The English legal system was formed and developed over centuries under the dominating influence of the Christian religion. The ideals and standards of justice that informed our law were derived largely either from the Bible directly or from ancient pre-Christian customs that have been so completely transformed under the influence of the Church that the original pre-Christian practices from which they originate are no longer discernible in the Christianised forms in which we know them. Our very concepts of justice, due process and the rule of law are Christian ideals that we should never have known had the Christian faith not taken root in England and transformed the nation from a pagan into a Christian society.
This book traces the growth of Christian law in England from the conversion of King Æthelberht, through the reigns of the Anglo-Saxon kings up to the Norman conquest, and examines the influence of Christianity on the development of English common law during its early formative period in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The author claims that English common law is today being overturned by legislation passed in Parliament that is based on presuppositions fundamentally alien to our Christian common-law tradition, and that our society is now in transition from a society based on the rule of law, as this has traditionally been understood, to a society ruled by politicians—i.e. a totalitarian society.

Sanctuary Society, Evangelism, and Safety
Sanctuary Society, Evangelism, and Safety
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A godly society is a sanctuary society.
Assigned Reading:
– “The Sanctuary Society and Its Enemies,” Gary North
– “Immigration Control: Federal Social Engineering,” Gary North

043: What Is the Biblical Response to Our Country’s Large Prison Population?
043: What Is the Biblical Response to Our Country’s Large Prison Population?
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In this Out of the Question Podcast #43, Steve Macias and Andrea Schwartz interview Steve Christenson, a prison chaplain who taught inmates the Law of God and Christian Reconstruction.

When Justice Is Aborted
Written by Gary North
Whose Law Is Sovereign?
This is a major question facing Christians today, all over the world. Informed Christians know that abortion is nothing less than state-legalized murder. They also know that it is not God-legalized murder. If God says that murder is immoral and illegal in His law book, then what are Christians supposed to do? How far should they go in protesting against abortion?
In this book, Gary North argues that Christians must go to the limit of the law in challenging abortion. The question is: Whose law? God’s law or the humanist state’s law?
This question is now dividing the Christian community in American. There is no agreement about God’s law. There is little awareness by Christians of the actual meaning of the state’s law in a world that believes in the religion of evolution. Finally, Christians have very little understanding of the relationship between God’s law and man’s law, between God’s requirements and the state’s. Abortion in now bringing this crisis in understanding into the open.
There is no halfway house between life an death. There is no middle ground in the abortionist’s office. The baby either lives or dies. There is not way to reach a politically acceptable compromise between the pro-life and pro-death movements. Both are well organized, and each is determined to have its way with the voters, the Congress, and the U.S. Supreme Court. A new civil war is looming, and the secular press admits as much.
But it is not just the nation that faces a civil war; it is also the churches. Just as many national denominations divided, North vs. South, over the question of slavery and the legitimacy of the South’s rebellion in 1861, so are denominations and even local congregations facing division today. They can no longer suppress the issues. They are coming inevitably to the surface. Each side claims that it is being obedient to God. Each side claims that it speaks in the name of God. Now that the protests have gone from picketing to trespassing, each side seeks to justify its own actions (or inaction) and attack the other in the light of God’s law.
When Justice Is Aborted presents an explicitly Biblical discussion of the question of non-violent protest by Christians. Its discussion relates to the abortion fight, but is not confined to it. These issues will surface again as the battle between secular humanism and Christianity escalates, as the battle between church and state escalates. There can be no compromise here, any more than over abortion. There is no halfway house position available any longer.
Where should Christians stand? On the sidewalk or in the doorways of injustice? When Justice Is Aborted shows where Christians stand if they are to remain faithful to God, and why.
And having stood, the next question is inevitable: Should Christians march?

Reflections on AATX & the Failure Of the Gospel-Centered Movement
Reflections on AATX & the Failure Of the Gospel-Centered Movement
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In this episode of Setting the Record Straight, Rev. Dr. Jason Garwood reflects on his time at the Abolish Abortion Texas Conference and Rally while also critiquing the shortcomings of the gospel-centered movement. Thanks for listening!