God: The Only Ground of Freedom (or, Why Secular Libertarianism is a Bust)

God: The Only Ground of Freedom (or, Why Secular Libertarianism is a Bust)

Posted on October 22, 2016

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Evangelical celebrity preachers are warning their followers against being sucked-in to the current upswing in Libertarian thinking in America. Their concern is that this sort of thinking is atheistic, and inescapably so. Christian Libertarians are often chided that the label is an oxymoron. How can a Christian adopt that philosophy? We answer that with another question: How can there be any such thing as atheistic libertarianism? Christianity is the only solid ground for consistent libertarian thinking.

These audioblogs have been contributed by the folks at The Foundations of Reconstruction.

#2: Deconstruction?

#2: Deconstruction?

Posted on February 28, 2022

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There’s been quite a bit of chatter about “deconstruction” in Christian circles—we’re going to take a look at that particular issue.


  1. Bill Gates was recently in Munich, Germany talking about the Omicron variant, and what he said was, well, interesting…
  2. The Winter Olympics in Bejing, China is now over: Was it a flop? That’s what the media is saying…
  3. The CDC is withholding data from the public. Are you surprised?

Theonomy or Autonomy

Oh, Canada! What in the world is going on there? What can we learn from this, and what might it look like to petition government for redress of grievances?

Límites y Funciones del Gobierno Civil

Límites y Funciones del Gobierno Civil

Posted on August 19, 2020

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La doctrina de la autoridad es fundamental para llevar a cabo la adoración debida al Único Rey Soberano. Una de las desgracias de la cristiandad hoy es que la iglesia está fallando en cuanto a la enseñanza de esta importante doctrina. Hay por lo menos tres preguntas importantes que las Escrituras responden y que la iglesia debe replicar: (1) ¿Cuál es el significado y legitimidad de la autoridad bajo Dios? (2)¿Cuáles son las funciones delegadas a la autoridad bajo Dios? y (3) ¿Cuáles son los límites de la obediencia a la autoridad bajo la ley de Dios?. El fallo de la iglesia al no responder bíblicamente a estas preguntas ha conducido a justificar usos ilegítimos de autoridad, delante de Dios, para justificar todo tipo de abusos. Llevando así a la práctica diabólica de tomar pasajes de las Escrituras, especialmente Romanos 13, para torcerlos y promover todo tipo de injusticia.

Narrador: William Garcia