Written by Gary North
Written by Gary North
Part 1: The War – Chapter 1
Part 1: The War – Chapter 1
Written by Gary North
Backward, Christian Soldiers
“Christians believe today that they can safely retreat into a zone of social impotence and therefore social irresponsibility, just as they have done for over a century.”
SJW: Ridicule or Responsibility?
SJW: Ridicule or Responsibility?
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In this episode we cover Social Justice and discuss what justice is, who owns justice, and why we should not be afraid of the name “social justice warrior.” We talk about why this name is not an insult, but a name we should seek to live up to, and expemplify as Christians.
Axe to the Root
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In theory, all of us know our orthodoxy. We know about the Trinity, about our redemption. We can speak about our solas, and we know our TULIP. But then, when most of us go out in the world and meet reality, we still view it and assess it through pagan eyes. That’s because our modern theology has become abstract, limited to the world of our personal faith, and divorced from God’s reality.
Bojidar Marinov’s Axe to the Root Podcast will help you turn your abstract theology into a relevant, applied theology, by thinking covenantally about every area of life, and about every practical issue in today’s world.
Cross & Crown Radio
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Disciple the Nations
Written by Stephen Perks
On the eve of the Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church was a bath with two very dirty babies in it. One was doctrine and the other was works. Both were so dirty they were almost unrecognizable. The Reformers recognized the doctrine baby and saved it, but failed to see the works baby and threw it out with the dirty bathwater. Well within a century of the English Reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries the government was passing poor laws to help those who were no longer being cared for by the monastic system. Our modern social dilemma, and the rise of socialism and the Welfare State, which is secular humanism’s defective and ungodly answer to that dilemma, is the consequence of a half-cocked Reformation.
It has taken 500 years for the full implications of this defective half-cocked Reformation to become manifest and its inadequacy clearly understood, though most Protestants even now fail to recognize the truth staring them in the face. As always, the real answer to this dilemma lies with a full-scale renaissance of the Christian faith, not another half-cocked Reformation, which will achieve nothing. The purpose of this book is to propose a way forward to the realization of that full-scale renaissance of the Christian faith.
Author’s Note
Author’s Note
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood