Brian Abshire #2

Brian Abshire #2

Posted on June 11, 2020

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Reconstructionist pastor & veteran Brian Abshire joins Bill in the War Room for a second visit, and talks about church membership, the role of elders, private judgements, ecclesiastical tyranny, and the need for perseverance and a servant attitude when faced with a difficult situation.

Is Group Economics the Answer

Is Group Economics the Answer

Posted on February 26, 2017

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Is group economics the answer to Church Planting in the black community? It is obvious that the black community, specifically in the inner city, there is are financial barriers which even affect church planting. Will the practice of group economics help in the restoration of the black community financially and spiritually?

Out of respect for Trevaris Tutt, we add this notice that he no longer holds to these views.


The Nature, Government and Function of the Church: A Reassessment

Posted on April 5, 2020

Written by Stephen Perks

There is perhaps no subject that Christrians have discussed, debated and argued over more fiercely than that of the nature, government and function of the Church. In this book the author attempts to set out biblical principles that can, in the main, be acted upon and applied in all Christian Churches, regardless of denomination. In this way the author seeks to apply the Reformation dictum Ecclesia reformata semper reformanda—“the church reformed is always fit to be reformed”—to the modern Church in order to encourage a more faithful practice of the Church’s Great Commission in our day.


George Grant

George Grant

Posted on June 11, 2020

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Bill talks with Pastor George Grant, respected, veteran church planter, statesman, educator, author, lecturer, missionary, following a visit to Parish Presbyterian in Franklin, TN. They discuss the parish model and liturgy as a tool of discipleship, and means of reaching the culture, evangelism in affluent America, the church response to abortion, and his work in Iraq.

[This was my first time talking with George at length, and much of it ended on the cutting room floor, due to my ebullient babbling. My enthusiasm reduced me to stammering.] Lord willing there will future visits, during which we will dig deeper.