George Grant

George Grant

Posted on June 11, 2020

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Bill talks with Pastor George Grant, respected, veteran church planter, statesman, educator, author, lecturer, missionary, following a visit to Parish Presbyterian in Franklin, TN. They discuss the parish model and liturgy as a tool of discipleship, and means of reaching the culture, evangelism in affluent America, the church response to abortion, and his work in Iraq.

[This was my first time talking with George at length, and much of it ended on the cutting room floor, due to my ebullient babbling. My enthusiasm reduced me to stammering.] Lord willing there will future visits, during which we will dig deeper.

Joseph Foreman

Joseph Foreman

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Bill talks with former National Director of Operation Rescue & co-founder of Missionaries to the Preborn, Joseph Foreman about his understanding of Christian discipleship, reflections on Operation Rescue, the state of the Church, and his book Shattering the Darkness.

Casa Sanchez

Casa Sanchez

Posted on June 11, 2020

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In this rousing war room free-for-all held at Casa Sanchez with host Bill Evans, and War Room guests Jason Sanchez, Gilbert Lino, Gabriel Colangelo and Matt Vitelli engage in typical man talk over aged scotch and fine cigars-family, ecclesiastical & civil government, secession, abolishing human abortion, biblical leadership, the priesthood of every believer, making disciples, education and culture.

Don’t mind the children in the background, God calls them a blessing and they tire out way before we do 😉


Easy Chair with R.J. Rushdoony

Posted on October 1, 2019

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The Easy Chair with R.J. Rushdoony is an audio series of colloquies, casual conversations, and roundtables presented by Chalcedon Foundation. Various topics are discussed solo by Rousas John Rushdoony and with guests, covering all areas of life and culture. Looking at life from a theonomic, Christian Reconstructionist perspective, we properly apply God’s word to our lives. These episodes were originally recorded in the 1980’s-1990’s.

Preaching The Law Of God

Preaching The Law Of God

Posted on October 2, 2016

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In this edition of Setting the Record Straight, Rev. Dr. Jason M. Garwood makes a plea for more preaching of the Law of God. Does this mean legalism? Or does it mean faithfulness to God’s plans and purposes for His Kingdom? Tune in to find out. Thanks for listening!


The Christian Passover: Agape Feast or Ritual Abuse?

Posted on June 23, 2020

Written by Stephen Perks

It has been accepted by virtually all Christian traditions that the Last Supper was a Passover meal. It has also been accepted by virtually all Christian traditions that in the early Church the Lord’s Supper, for which the Last Supper is the model and pattern, was celebrated as part of a common fellowship meal, the agape feast. Yet by the second half of the first millennium the Lord’s Supper had been separated from the Agape and the Church had banned the celebration of the latter in church buildings with the result that it fell into complete disuse. Why did this happen? The reason is to be found in the fact that it was difficult to transform the Agape into a clergy-controlled and regulated ritual, whereas the Eucharist, separated from the Agape and accompanied by an expanding liturgy, was easily transformed into a rite that could be sacralised and subjected to clerical domination.

The life of the Church was then redefined and its most important communal expressions were transformed into rituals performed by the priesthood (sacerdotalism). The ability of the Christian community, the Christian society, to achieve the potential of its life as the true social order was restricted as an inevitable consequence. If the Church is to fulfil the task entrusted to her by her Lord in the Great Commission Christians must reclaim their citizenship of the Kingdom of God from those who have sought to dispossess them of it for so long. Centralised bureaucratic control of the Church by clergymen has vitiated the life of the Church as a social order and wrecked the mission of the Church. The life of the Church as the true society, the true social order, must be restored if the Great Commission is to be accomplished, and the combined Eucharist and Agape is an important element of that life, since it is the central ritual of the Christian Church and therefore vital to the well-being of the Christian community.



Chalcedon Foundation Articles and Essays

Posted on July 17, 2020

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The Chalcedon Foundation® is a think tank for the self-governing Christian, devoted to the research, publishing, and promotion of Christian Reconstruction. We believe that the Christian faith is applicable to every area of life and thought and that all things are to be “reconstructed” according to God’s revealed will in Scripture.

This podcast is a collection of articles and essays narrated by volunteers from Reconstructionist Radio on behalf of Chalcedon. The authors include R.J. Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, Mark Rushdoony, Andrea Schwartz, and more.