297: Must Civil Laws Conform to Biblical Justice?
297: Must Civil Laws Conform to Biblical Justice?
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What many readers of Rushdoony often miss was his blueprint for Christian civilization which began with exercising self-government in terms of Biblical law by creating alternate Christian institutions by way of the tithe. We did that with education by building private Christian schools or homeschooling. It’s time to expand the application because society’s decline will persist without institutions grounded in God’s justice. It’s time to seek His Kingdom by creating new, obedient structures that reflect His righteousness.

292: Why Does the Bible Require Two Witnesses to Convict?
292: Why Does the Bible Require Two Witnesses to Convict?
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Why Does the Bible Require Two Witnesses to Convict?

258: Are the Only Two Choices God’s Law or Chaos?
258: Are the Only Two Choices God’s Law or Chaos?
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Are the Only Two Choices God’s Law or Chaos?

251: Do You Need to Know God’s Law to Serve on a Jury?
251: Do You Need to Know God’s Law to Serve on a Jury?
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In this episode of the Out of the Question Podcast, we examine the societal effects of shifting from Biblical to statutory law. We discuss the crucial role of understanding biblical principles for responsible jury service, illuminating the intersection of faith and justice.

177: What is Restorative Justice?
177: What is Restorative Justice?
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What is Restorative Justice?

Local Pastor Renders Church to Caesar
Local Pastor Renders Church to Caesar
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Gordan Runyan exposes the foolishness of a congregation bowing to the demands of the State, on the basis of “rendering unto Caesar.

Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
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A sermon on biblical, social justice.

Why Y’all Still Meeting?
Why Y’all Still Meeting?
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Gordan Runyan answers a common question about why his congregation has continued to meet. It’s not because of the “usual suspects.” But at the end of the day, there really is a hill to die on.

Your Foundations Are Showing (Corona Edition)
Your Foundations Are Showing (Corona Edition)
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Gordan Runyan encourages his listeners to examine the building materials they’ve been using to put up the edifice of their lives, especially in light of the fact that a virus has caused many to reach out for other saviors, other ethical rules, that can keep them safe in the storm.

The Trial by Ordeal from Numbers 5
The Trial by Ordeal from Numbers 5
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Gordan Runyan walks his congregation through the trial of the suspected unfaithful wife in Numbers 5 and shows that a head-scratcher text actually winds up magnifying the grace of God and His desire to defend the weaker members of society.