304: What Happens When We Focus on Issues Rather than Foundations?
304: What Happens When We Focus on Issues Rather than Foundations?
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When it comes to matters of mutual concern, is it godly to join with those opposed to a Biblical worldview for the sake of a common cause? Are there limits to working together with unbelievers?

303: Is the Lord’s Supper the Christian Passover?
303: Is the Lord’s Supper the Christian Passover?
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The agape feast of the New Testament celebrated our deliverance through Christ, but it has been reduced to a ritual in most churches. Listen as scholar Stephen Perks reveals how the Lord’s Supper is truly our Christian Passover.

293: Do We Choose God or Does He Choose Us?
293: Do We Choose God or Does He Choose Us?
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A song that used to be popular, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands,” reflected a belief in the doctrine of God’s predestination. Sadly, there are those who fail to comprehend the magnificence of the biblical teaching on foreordination and election. This is the topic in this week’s Out of the Question Podcast.

291: Do We Believe In God or Do We Believe God?
291: Do We Believe In God or Do We Believe God?
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Do We Believe In God or Do We Believe God?

285: Can You Name the Seven Deadly Sins?
285: Can You Name the Seven Deadly Sins?
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Can You Name the Seven Deadly Sins?

276: What Is a Minimalist Christian Life?
276: What Is a Minimalist Christian Life?
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Jesus told His followers that the Holy Spirit would come upon them with power after His departure. Do we witness that power in evidence today, or have we settled for a minimal view of what that power entails?

275: Are Christians Being Groomed to Accept Sin as Normal?
275: Are Christians Being Groomed to Accept Sin as Normal?
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Scripture warns us to beware of false prophets, but is there a sure way to determine whether someone is among the faithful or a wolf in sheep’s clothing? This is the topic for this Out of the Question Podcast episode.

274: How Do You Spot a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
274: How Do You Spot a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
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Scripture warns us to beware of false prophets, but is there a sure way to determine whether someone is among the faithful or a wolf in sheep’s clothing? This is the topic for this Out of the Question Podcast episode.

267: Is There a Theology of Christmas Music?
267: Is There a Theology of Christmas Music?
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When the event of the Incarnation is transformed into something quite different priorities can become confused and distorted. In this episode of the Out of the Question Podcast, the importance of lyrics in Christmas music is examined.

262: Is Patriarchy a Bad Thing?
262: Is Patriarchy a Bad Thing?
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Is Patriarchy a Bad Thing?