#1: The Warrenton Declaration
#1: The Warrenton Declaration
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We’re back! And boy are we excited.
The Warrenton Declaration is out! Yours truly is happy to be an original signer. Have you signed it and shared it in an attempt to stop government tyranny? Sign it at WarrentonDeclaration.com
1. Dr. Leana Wen recently stated on CNN that “The Science has changed.” We’ll try to sort that mess out.
2. Canadian police begin making arrests and stealing people’s property in Ottawa while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invokes the Emergency Powers statute.
3. Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, recently dodged a question about the Johns Hopkins Lockdown Study that recently came out.
Theonomy or Autonomy
We’ll revisit a short interaction I recently had with the Virginia House of Delegates as it pertains to religious exemption in the Virginia Code.
Cross & Crown Radio
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Author’s Note
Author’s Note
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood
Leviticus in Context
Leviticus in Context
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood
Outside the Camp
Written by Dr. Jason Garwood
The COVID-19 global pandemic took the world by surprise and many were left wondering if the cure was, in fact, worse than the disease. This was especially true as time went on and the narrative evolved. However, it wasn’t just a mass of confusion from the U.S. government and media outlets; many Christians were and are to this day unsure of how to approach medical ethics. Should Christians simply do whatever the “experts” tell them? Does the civil magistrate have jurisdiction over so-called “public health”? What about the leprosy passage in Leviticus 13 & 14 — can this be used as a guide for developing public health policies?
In this short book, Dr. Jason Garwood revisits the Levitical passage and makes the case that no, the magistrate has no authority or jurisdiction over public health. Rather than making assumptions about the leprosy passage, it is our Christian duty to draw the proper lines as we seek to teach the nations how to obey Christ.