027: The 2018 “Revoice Conference”: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
027: The 2018 “Revoice Conference”: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?
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Co-hosts Rev. Charles Roberts and Andrea Schwartz, along with their guest Rev. Andrew Dionne, discuss the 2018 “Revoice Conference” and its implications for the Christian Church in this Out of the Question Podcast #27

The Great Debate | Greg Bahnsen vs. Gordon Stein: Does God Exist?
The Great Debate | Greg Bahnsen vs. Gordon Stein: Does God Exist?
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The Great Debate (as it has been dubbed) is the now-famous interaction between Dr. Greg Bahnsen and Gordon Stein that occurred at the University of California, Irvine back in 1985. The topic was Does God Exist?
Never since then have we witnessed such a masterful presentation of presuppositional apologetics. Dr Bahnsen was truly a gifted man, and it showed here.
Please enjoy listening to the debate below, and be sure to read along in the transcript. In fact, print it out and take notes!
Download a pdf of the transcript here

Don’t Plant Churches, Build Covenant Communities
Don’t Plant Churches, Build Covenant Communities
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Narrated by Shelby Luke
Read the article Don’t Plant Churches, Build Covenant Communities

Martin Selbrede
Martin Selbrede
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Bill visits with Martin Selbrede, scientist, musical composer, theologian and Vice President of the Chalcedon Foundation, and Editor of Faith For All of Life Magazine. They discuss the Doctrine of Work, and man as the Imago Dei, Reconstruction and a multigenerational emphasis eg. Cathedral Building, Group vs Individual Justice, medical tyranny and Johann Sebastian Bach.

Appendix 10: The Covenant Structure of the Thirty-Nine Articles
Appendix 10: The Covenant Structure of the Thirty-Nine Articles
Written by Ray Sutton

#27: The Meat of the Word Q&A
#27: The Meat of the Word Q&A
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Does New Always Mean New?
Does New Always Mean New?
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In this episode we will take on the meaning behind some from very distinct passages regarding the “new” command, the “new” covenant and the “new” creation.

APPENDIX A – The Eschatology of Dominion: A Summary
APPENDIX A – The Eschatology of Dominion: A Summary
Written by David Chilton

21: Samuel’s Ghost, Shemitah Blood Moons, and Persecution
21: Samuel’s Ghost, Shemitah Blood Moons, and Persecution
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This week we start off talking about the false prophet John Hagee and the blood moons, the shemitah, and even necromancy regarding Samuel’s ghost. After that we set John loose to preach on persecution from Acts. It’s a great summary to the topic after discussing it a couple weeks ago.
- American Vision’s The Shemitah Myth Exposed
- Last Days Madness, Gary DeMar
- John’s Sermon on Persecution
- The Apology of Tertullian for the Christians
- Reconstructionist Radio

Part 3: Conclusion – Gary DeMar
Part 3: Conclusion – Gary DeMar
Written by Gary North and Gary Demar