20: Paul Barth, Presbyterian Memes, & Covenanters
20: Paul Barth, Presbyterian Memes, & Covenanters
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We had a great time chatting with Paul Barth, the creative mind behind Presbyterian Memes. We heard about his process for creating memes, his transition out of the military, and all about being a Covenanter. You will want to hear this one!
- Our Top 5 Favorite Presbyterian Memes
- 1650 Psalter: Psalms of David in Meter
- The Shaking and Translating of Heaven and Earth (John Owen, Complete Works, Sermon V)
- 7 Differences Between Covenanters and Reconstructionists
- Judicial Law: General vs. Particular Equity
- What is National Covenanting?
- Confessional Two Kingdoms
- History of the Work of Redemption Jonathan Edwards
- The Law of Nature and the Civil Enforcement of the First Table
- Lex Propria — Proper Law | Lex Propria, Part 2
- Reformed Theonomy Reading List
Part 3: Question 13: What Is the Proper Response?
Part 3: Question 13: What Is the Proper Response?
Written by Gary North and Gary Demar
Dr. Joel McDurmon
Dr. Joel McDurmon
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An Evening with Joel McDurmon. Bill & Joel talk about Theonomy and the Westminster Confession of Faith, general vs particular equity, popular strawmen, the use of label vs. doing the work of reconstruction, Joel’s response to critics, the importance of definitions, and theological Pharisees.
Appendix 8: Covenant in the Flesh (Old Covenant Sacraments)
Appendix 8: Covenant in the Flesh (Old Covenant Sacraments)
Written by Ray Sutton
#25: The Meat of the Word Q&A
#25: The Meat of the Word Q&A
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A Christian Reconstruction Library
A Christian Reconstruction Library
Written by Gary DeMar & Peter Leithart
Chapter 23: The New Creation (Revelation 21-22)
Chapter 23: The New Creation (Revelation 21-22)
Written by David Chilton
19: Ashley Madison, Pornography, and Persecution
19: Ashley Madison, Pornography, and Persecution
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This week Dustin challenged Colin on whether the Ashley Madison hack was moral. Colin then went all theonomy on him and set him straight. After that we talked about porn, and then John had some final thoughts on persecution, from his sermon.
- “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” Ephesians 5:11
- The Shaking and Translating of Heaven and Earth (John Owen, Complete Works, Sermon V)
The pornography industry is directly related to the human trafficking industry.
Part 3: Why Are CRs Confrontational? – Question 12: Are Our Critics Honest?
Part 3: Why Are CRs Confrontational? – Question 12: Are Our Critics Honest?
Written by Gary North and Gary Demar
Bojidar Marinov
Bojidar Marinov
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The Ministry Industrial Complex, the eschatology of defeat, and the threat of AHA (Abolition of Human Abortion.) Is theonomy dead? The term general equity. Statism vs. the Christian doctrine of humanity and the priesthood of the believer. The Sabbath as a day of worship a modern construct.